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Welcome to Class 2P! 

Follow us on Twitter for photos and updates... @birkdaleprimary

Welcome to Year Two!

We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead with lots of interesting topics to learn about, including Inventors, The United Kingdom and Australia!

Keep posted on our class page and Twitter for updates and information about things we have been doing. 

Mrs Pennington is our class teacher but Ms Prosser is the teacher on Wednesday morning and a Friday. 

Mrs Willocks works in our classroom too. 

Key Information

Drop Off and Pick Up: Year Two children should come in to school via the Year 2/3 door at 8.40am. This door will close at 8.45am and late arrivals must report to the office. Collection is from the Junior Playground at 3.15pm.

Uniform: Please see the uniform update in the 'Key Information' section of the website for full details of uniform expectations. Please can we ask that all school uniform/PE kit is labelled with your child's name clearly. Any unnamed items will be taken to our lost property box which is located at the school office. 

PE: Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays. Children should come to school on these days dressed in their PE kit- white t-shirt, royal blue shorts or jogging bottoms and a royal blue hoodie with the Birkdale Primary logo. They may wear pumps or trainers as appropriate. Pumps may be left in school in a named pump bag if preferred.

Please note:

Monday is our indoor PE day and children need to wear pumps and shorts or have these available in school. 

Tuesday is our outdoor PE day so children can come to school in trainers and wear these all day. 

Bags: All children should bring a book bag to school every day containing their reading book and diary. Children should not bring any other type of bag or personal items as they do not fit in trays. 

Water and Snacks: Children can bring in a named bottle of water which they have access to throughout the day. Children DO NOT need to bring in a snack as we provide a healthy snack for their morning break. 

Home reading: We aim to promote a love of reading in Year Two and have lots of exciting books we plan to share with the children. To support your child with this, please ensure they read regularly at home- daily if possible- and have their diary signed by an adult. 

If your child has read at home and completed their book, it is your child's responsibility to put their book in the 'Change Book' box each morning when they come into school. Mrs Willocks will remind the children at register time. 

Homework: In Key Stage One we set homework each week via Google Classrooms. 

Homework will be set on a Thursday and your child will have until the following Thursday to hand their homework in via Google Classroom.

 Star of the Week

 Well done to this week's super stars...............