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School Council Class Rep. - Thomas Moores

Eco-Star Ambassadors - Isaac Stephenson

Wellbeing Ambassador - Zachary Lee

Playground leaders - TBC

Our Curriculum Ambassadors in year 6 are

Maths - Ruby McDonald

English - Bella Povey

Science - Sara Shortt-Burbano

Music - Millie Coates

History - Thomas Moores

Geography - TBC

Spanish - TBC

Life - TBC


Art - TBC

PE - Leon Bolton & Scarlett Taylor


Computing - TBC

Our class teacher is:

Mrs Biggs

We are very lucky to have Mrs Steel, Miss Bradley, Mr Nuttall and Ms Kool working in 6B with us too!

Important Information:

  • Our day begins at 08:50am and ends at 3:20.
  • P.E. is on Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor), so you need to come dressed in your P.E. kit.
  • Bags - Should you need to bring a bag to school each day, please ensure that this bag is either a book bag or a small bag which will easily fit inside your locker.
  • Equipment - you will be provided with all the equipment you need.
  • Reading books will be issued in the first full week back.  Please remember to look after these and keep your diary up to date.  You will be awarded Dojos for evidence of home reading.
  • SNACK - You can bring a snack for morning break. 

This snack MUST ONLY BE FRUIT OR VEGETABLES.  Anything else is not permitted and will not be able to be eaten.  This is for the safety of other children who may have allergies.  

Year 6

Homework schedule - Autumn term


Homework task

Day due in


Maths – SATS homework book.


Check MyMaths for any revision tasks set - these are optional.  There are also games on there that you may like to play to help you revise for your SATS.




Grammar homework will be set each week.   You will need to complete the pages set in your SATs English book provided and make sure that it is in school for the following Tuesday.




Reading comprehension will be set in your SATS comprehension book.




Maths – SATS homework book.


Check MyMaths for any revision tasks set - these are optional.  There are also games on there that you may like to play to help you revise for your SATS.





Spelling – A spelling list will be sent home each week in Spelling Homework Books.

10 words to learn each week using the 'Look, Say, Cover...' sheet. You will then have a dictation using these spellings on a Friday in school.




Reading diaries will be checked throughout the week.

It is really important that your homework books are in school on the correct days.

It is important that you are organised and know all your logins for Google Classroom, MyMaths and PurpleMash.


There is an expectation that you will read every day for at least 20 minutes.  It is always nice to share reading with someone when you can.  If you need some ideas for new books to enjoy, please have a look at the suggested reading list for year 6 on our class page.  Your reading diaries will be collected in every Tuesday so please have your diaries signed so we can see evidence of home reading - Dojos will be awarded!! 

Times tables

Please continue to practise your times tables regularly and use Times Table Rock Stars and Monster Multiplication (on Purple Mash) as often as you can.

Independent learning

You may wish to do your own independent research or activities based on some of our topics in science, history or geography.   You may complete some art or computing work that you would love to show us.  You might even wish to share an achievement or an award you have received.  If you do, you can upload these onto our year 6 online floorbook.  Instructions on how to do this are on the class page.  We can't wait to see what you do!

Dojos will be awarded for completion of tasks which are handed in on time .smiley

This year, Ms Kool will be teaching you on a Thursday afternoon.

SATS Week 2024

Year 6 SATS week is the week beginning the 13th May. 

Date SAT paper
Monday 13th May Grammar and punctuation paper 1 (45 minutes) and spelling paper 2 (SPaG)
Tuesday 14th May Reading paper (60 minutes)
Wednesday 15th May Maths papers 1 (arithmetic - 30 minutes) and 2 (reasoning - 40 minutes)
Thursday 16th May Maths paper 3 (reasoning - 40 minutes)
Friday 17th May NO SATs

Useful Links: