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Welcome to the Geography page

Developing an understanding of the wider world



What is Geography?

People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in Earth’s physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers and oceans. They are also interested in the ways that people affect and are affected by the natural world.

Our Aim 

Here at Birkdale Primary School, our aim is to ignite and inspire our pupil’s curiosity and fascination about the world they live in and the people that live in it. How it has been formed and how it is constantly changing over time.

We want to inspire children to feel the importance of Geography and to be lifelong learners who seek opportunities to explore the wider world that we live in.


Geography is embedded throughout the early years topics. The skills are revisited every week during each of the different topics.

KS1 and KS2

In Key Stage 1 and 2, children have history and geography lessons every half term.

Our Geography Journey

Our Geography journey starts in EYFS and follows all the way to Year 6. We have even worked with a local high school to get a taster of what Geography in Year 7 looks like.


We have been looking at the location of the Arctic and the contrast between where we live and what is in the Arctic, like the animals who live there. 

Key Stage 2 Off to the Arctic enrichment fieldwork day

KS2 had an amazing day discovering all about the Arctic and various biomes. We had a whole day online event where we met and questioned a real life Arctic Explorer, discovered all about climate and climate change, the damage this is doing to the environment and the animals who live there. We even got to make our own igloos!!

Please click below to see details of our event!!!

Our Geography Ambassador says …….

I love learning about new countries and continents.

I like learning about the wonders of the world.

I like learning how to use a map.

I like learning about how one little thing can help the eco-system.

Pupil Voice

This is what our pupils say they love about Geography at Birkdale Primary….


We have recently been working along side Sustrans to create a safe environment for us to walk to school. We did a 'Big Street Survey' where we collected information all about the traffic around school.  We then used this information to come up with ways to help improve traffic congestion around our school.


Edge Hill Orienteering Day for Year 4 and 5. The staff at Edge Hill created some amazing orienteering activities for us!



Earthquake Drill


Year 4 have been learning about earthquakes and how these effect the lives of children in Japan. We have been role playing an earthquake drill that takes place in schools in areas of Japan.


We have recently had a wonderful donation from Ordnance Survey. Wow! This is really going to help our mapping skills.


Christ the King High School mapping skills

Year 6 had a very interesting afternoon working with teachers from our local high school Christ the King. They help develop our map skills, using and understanding 6 digit references on local area maps.

Eco Stars

Make sure you check out our Eco Stars page to see that lots of the things we do link to the environment. 


Throughout the year, lots of our assemblies link to geography. Here are some examples -