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Religious Education

Welcome to Religious Education at Birkdale Primary School


At Birkdale Primary, we follow the Sefton Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.

Principal Aim

Our principal aim of RE at Birkdale Primary School is to explore big questions about life, in order to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can make sense of religion and worldviews, and reflect on their own ideas and ways of living.

The Aims of Religious Education

The threefold aim of RE elaborates the principal aim. The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:

1.Know about and understand a range of religious and non-religious worldviews , so that they can:

• describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices, recognising the diversity which exists within and between communities and amongst individuals

• identify, investigate and respond to questions posed, and responses offered, by some of the sources of wisdom found in religious and non-religious worldviews

 • appreciate and appraise the nature, significance and impact of different ways of life and ways of expressing meaning.

2.Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religious and non-religious worldviews, so that they can:

• explain, using reasoned arguments, their ideas about how beliefs, practices and forms of expression influence individuals and communities

• express with increasing discernment their personal reflections and critical responses to questions and teachings about identity, diversity, meaning and value, including ethical issues

 • appreciate and appraise varied dimensions of religion.

3. Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religious and non-religious worldviews, so that they can:

• investigate key concepts and questions of belonging, meaning, purpose and truth, responding creatively

 • enquire into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully for the wellbeing of all

 • articulate clearly beliefs, values and commitments in order to explain why they may be important in their own and other people’s lives. Teachers should consider how their teaching contributes towards the principal aim of RE and how they help pupils to achieve the threefold aim above.


What is Religious Education and why do we learn it?

We learn RE to promote our understanding and respect for the beliefs and practices of different religions around the world. We encourage the children to understand the importance of religious education and why we learn it by sharing the following statements.


Children are given the opportunity to study the religious and non-religious beliefs in the world, and the opportunity to express their own views and make sense of their own place in that world. 

What do we teach our children?

Children will begin to explore the world of religion in terms of special people, books, times, places, objects and religious festivals. They listen to and talk about stories. They are introduced to religious words where appropriate and use their senses in exploring religions and beliefs, practices and forms of expression. They reflect on their own feelings and experiences. They use their imagination and curiosity to develop their appreciation and wonder of the world in which they live.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Throughout Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils explore a range of themes in their curriculum. Through their learning goals of understanding of the world, they have the opportunity to explore different people, places, cultures and communities. Through this study they are encouraged to discuss personal celebrations and traditions such as birthdays as well as religious celebrations such as Christmas and Diwali. Through story and discussion they consider similarities and differences between people and reflect on them positively. Children begin to make sense of their own uniqueness and place in the world.

The following units are covered throughout the year in EYFS through play-based and child-centred approaches. Learning is encouraged to follow where the child’s interest and curiosity leads. Some examples of how Religious Education is taught at Birkdale Primary in EYFS are shown below.

Key Stage One

Throughout Key Stage 1, pupils explore Christianity and Judaism through key questions. Pupils should develop their knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious world views, recognising their local, national and global contexts. They should use basic subject specific vocabulary. They should raise questions and begin to express their own views in response to the material they learn about and in response to questions about their ideas. Key Stage One pupils will study the following:

They learn about different beliefs about God and the world around them. They encounter and respond to a range of stories, artefacts and other religious materials. They learn to recognise that beliefs are expressed in a variety of ways, and begin to use specialist vocabulary. They begin to understand the importance and value of religion and belief. Pupils ask relevant questions and develop a sense of wonder about the world, using their imaginations. They talk about what is important to them and others, valuing themselves, reflecting on their own feelings and experiences and developing a sense of belonging.


Key Stage Two

Throughout Key Stage Two, pupils continue to learn about Christianity and Judaism together with an introduction to Hinduism Islam, Humanism and non- religious world views. Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious world views, recognising their local, national and global contexts. They should be introduced to an extended range of sources and subject specific vocabulary. They should be encouraged to be curious and to ask increasingly challenging questions about religion, belief, values and human life. Pupils should learn to express their own ideas in response to the material they engage with, identifying relevant information, selecting examples and giving reasons to support their ideas and views.

They make connections and comparisons between different religious beliefs, customs and symbols. They recognise the challenges involved in distinguishing between ideas of right and wrong, and valuing what is good and true. They communicate their ideas, recognising other people’s viewpoints. They consider their own beliefs and values and those of others in the light of their learning in religious education. In upper key stage two, children are introduced to Humanism and non- religious world views.

Key Vocabulary in Key Stage Two

British Values

At Birkdale Primary, we teach Religious Education with our British Values in mind. We explore our key questions with respect and tolerance towards religions around the world and particularly the different religions we have in our school and Britain. These key questions allow us to compare religions respectfully and ask questions to enhance our knowledge. Our knowledge of religious and non- religious world views help us to show respect and tolerance to all.

Introducing our Religious Education ambassador

Hi, I'm this year's RE ambassador. I would like to encourage the children at Birkdale Primary School to learn about religions all over the world that we do not talk about as much. Just remember, even if RE is not your favourite subject, it is important to participate in activities. If you have any questions about RE, you can always ask me or a teacher nearby! Thank you :) 

Our children love to express their creativity through RE lessons and celebration days.

Diwali Celebration Day 2022

The whole school celebrated Diwali in lots of different ways.


Whole School Task-What does Christmas mean to me? 2022


 Inter-Faith Week 2023

Lancashire Humanists Visitor to Year 6


Year 4 Question and Answer time with Reverend Steve

Some examples of our class work

Key Stage One

Key Stage Two