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Welcome to 4M's Class Page

Our class teacher is Miss Mullin.

On Friday afternoon Mrs Grice will teach us.

Mr Murphy will be helping with our PE lessons.

Miss Bradley and Mrs Perkins will support us too.


Please could I ask that all uniform/PE kits/water bottles have the children's names on. We are unable to reunite lost jumpers etc without a clear name on them. Pen does fade after a few washes.

Please could the children bring a bookbag, healthy snack (a piece of fruit/vegetable) and a named water bottle. Your child must take home their water bottle at the end of the day. Your child is only allowed to bring a bookbag into school. No large bags (rucksacks etc) will be allowed in school.


The timings for the school day differ depending on each year group. Mrs Corlett or Miss Mullin will be on the yard to greet you every morning. Year 4’s timings are listed below:

Arrival time – 8:40 - 8:50 am

Break time – 10:35 am – 10:55 am

Lunchtime – 12:10 pm – 1:10 pm

Collection time – 3:20 pm


Our outdoor PE session is on a Tuesday morning, our indoor PE is on a Thursday afternoon. Please can you ensure your child comes to school on a Tuesday and Thursday wearing their PE kit.  (blue Birkdale jogging bottoms, hoodie, white Birkdale t-shirt and/or blue shorts please). They can wear trainers and we ask that they keep their PE pumps in school in a named pump bag.

Swimming lessons will commence in the Spring term on a Thursday afternoon.

Children will wear their PE kit for the full days.



There is an expectation that your child will read for at least 20 minutes every night.

The children will be assessed and given a stage reading book to bring home. Please could you make sure this goes home every night and is returned to school the next morning. Miss Mullin will read with your child each term and assess their reading stage.


We encourage the children to go on Timestable Rock Stars as often as possible. On Purple Mash there will be a weekly Monster Multiplication task to complete. This will really help them with their multiplication assessment in June.

In the Summer term, the children will complete the government set Multiplication Tables Check. Please see the YouTube video we have created that explains the test (click on the sentence below for the link).


Every Tuesday, the children will be set a new spelling quiz on Spelling Shed. This will consolidate the spellings we have been learning in class. They will also bring home a sheet of new spellings to work on over the week. The children will have a week to complete the activity and need to bring their completed spellings into school by Tuesday. They should have come home with their Spelling Shed log in but if they are unsure please see us to receive a new one.


Reading books and diaries to be in school every day.


Reading diaries checked and Dojos given if the children have read that week and had their book signed.


New homework set on Spelling Shed every Tuesday and spelling sheets sent home.

The children will have a week to complete it.


Hand in your spelling books ready for our weekly assessment. Dojos will be given for completed spelling sheets.



Monster Multiplication set each week. Times Table Rockstars to be played as often as possible.