Awareness Days and Events
'Grow for Wellbeing' Week
We joined up with our Eco teams to plant some bedding plants and decorate them with messages of thanks for the people in our community. We then delivered them to our neighbours and the shop-keepers around our school to thank them and spread awareness of connecting with nature for our wellbeing!
NSPCC's Big Breaktime
We had a lovely day with our grown ups who came to school to join us for an hour of playtime to celebrate the joy of play for children. The weather was perfect and it was so nice to have time to just focus on enjoying ourselves and forgetting the things that might worry us or take up a lot of our time. It was also nice to see our grown ups having fun and playing games like tag and using the space hoppers!
Snow Break!
What could be a better wellbeing activity than to run around in a rare snow-fall and make snowmen! Rosy cheeky and big smiles helped us to have a really productive day too!
World Mental Health Day
Every year, we celebrate World Mental Health Day with different activities and class assemblies throughout the school. Our Wellbeing Ambassadors help to plan the activities for this day and make sure their class really understand the importance of looking after our mental health and where to go for help.
The Colour Monster
EYFS and KS1 have loved using The Colour Monster book to explore their emotions and learn how to self-regulate!
Inside Out
After 2 years in and out of lockdown, we knew we needed to spend time putting our wellbeing first. We spent the whole week using the film Inside Out to help us connect with our emotions and discover the importance of sharing how we feel with others around us. Through the character of Joy, we learnt that not only is it ok to be sad, sometimes it is really important that we let sadness in to help us to deal with that emotion and what is happening to make us feel sad in the first place.
The pictures below will remind you of some of the things we did as well as the display we kept up in the hall to remind us of the important lessons we learnt.
Children's Mental Health Week
Despite being in another lockdown, and with most of us learning from home, we still managed to have a wonderful week celebrating and learning about Children's Mental Health Week!
All the grown ups in school were thrilled to see how many of you joined the virtual assembly through Place2Be and all of your teachers LOVED seeing what you got up to for your daily 'express yourself' activities!
The slides from our Google Meet assembly are available below, with the links for some of the activities in case you want to try them again!
We used drawings and colours to express ourselves with The Squiggle Game
We were inspired by the BBC Lockdown Orchestra to express emotion through music
We got creative with photography to celebrate the things that make us happy
We put pen to paper to use story-telling to express our amazing imaginations!
We watched this amazing clip to help us reflect on lockdown and all of the things that are truly important to us and that make us wonderfully unique!