Welcome to Class 5JS!
We are going to have such an exciting year together!
Mr Jessop and Mrs Szabó will be your Class teachers
Mr Jessop is in class on Mondays and Fridays and Mrs Szabó is in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Miss Kool teaches on Thursday afternoons
Mr Murphy will be teaching indoor PE on Tuesday mornings
Class Information:
Indoor PE is on Tuesday morning (pumps, blue shorts, white t-shirt)
Outdoor PE is on Friday afternoons (trainers, blue joggers, blue hoodie)
Staged reading books can be changed during the week, as long as you have read the book thoroughly at home. Your reading diary must be signed by a grown-up to show that you have completed your reading at home. Reading diaries will be checked every Tuesday.
Everyone will choose a school library book to keep in their tray for reading time but you can also bring in a book from home to read in school too!
Autumn Term
This term, we will be...
- Studying The Victorians in History
- Learning all about The Alps in Geography
- Reading Street Child, Macavity the Mystery Cat and King of the Sky in English and we will also be watching Snack Attack.
- Learning about Materials and changing states and forces in Science
- Completing Self-Portraits in art week and adapting recipes to be more nutritional in DT week
- Looking at the history of Blues music and creating our own Blues compositions using the Blues scale in music
- Furthering our understanding of E-safety and coding in computing
- Developing skills in Gymnastics, fitness, dodgeball and handball in PE
- Introducing and describing ourselves and learning the names of domestic animals in Spanish
- Children are encouraged to read daily - they have a stage reading book which ensures that they are reading a range of different genres but we also encourage children to develop their own reading interests. Reading diaries are collected in every Tuesday and Dojos awarded for home reading. We encourage you to talk with your child about what they are reading, discussing opinions and vocabulary choices will help them develop a deeper understanding of what is being read.
- Maths homework is set on a Wednesday and is due in the following Wednesday. This will be a worksheet inside their red homework books.
- Spellings are set on a Friday and need to be practised for the following Friday. They have a sheet inside their spelling homework books where they can practise their spellings. We encourage children to work on their spellings in different ways such as writing the word in a sentence, create a word search, write the words in rainbow writing etc...